Now in it's 10th year, Winter Wildlife Festival is your chance to witness winter wildlife all around Virginia Beach; whether it’s following fascinating bird activity, exploring the natural areas of our community or photographing some gorgeous scenery and animal friends. Learn what it takes to properly observe and identify wildlife in their natural settings.Registration begins Nov. 15, 2019. Visit for details on excursions, workshops, keynote presenter, photo contest, and exhibit hall as information becomes available.January 24 - 26, 2020 | Princess Anne Recreation Center (festival headquarters) o Friday, January 24 | 6 p.m. | Zeider American Theater | Reception and Keynote Speaker Sharon 'Birdchick' Stiteler o Saturday, January 25 | 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Princess Anne Recreation Center | Trips, Exhibit Hall, Walk-up Workshops and Children’s Activities o Sunday, January 26 | 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Princess Anne Recreation Center | Trips, Walk-up Workshops and a Paint Class 2020 Keynote Speaker Sharon 'Birdchick' Stiteler John Marzluff Since 1997, Sharon ‘Birdchick’ Stiteler has travelled the world as a field trip leader, birding consultant, humorous keynote speaker, bird field technician, bird bander and writer. She is the author of the books Disapproving Rabbits, City Birds/Country Birds and 1,001 Secrets Every Birder Should Know. Birdchick is #32 in the Geek A Week Trading Card set and works as a National Park Ranger for the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area. Birdchick is a regular on television and radio broadcasts including Outdoor News Radio, All Things Considered, and the NBC Nightly News where she answers bird questions. Visit to learn more about Sharon 'Birdchick' Stiteler. Special thanks to our partners with the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, VA State Parks, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Lynnhaven River Now, VB Public Library, VB Audubon Society, and The Virginia Aquarium Marine & Science Center.
Educational exhibits, workshops, and children’s activities, along with vendors offering healthy, local and sustainable products and services will entertain and educate your entire family!
Visitors to the Festival will enjoy 70+ vendors who encourage sustainable living. Listen to Live Local Music as you explore local artisans, local food and eco-friendly vendors.