Pertinent Chronologic Events
WRI submits a bid to lease Virginia Beach owned property on August 9th
WRI receives unanimous approval for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to develop and operate a Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Virginia Beach from City Council on May 10th
The City requests WRI to host a collaboration meeting with group (later identified as WREN) to attempt Collaboration on April 12th
WRI receives unanimous approval for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to develop and operate a Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Virginia Beach from the Planning Commission on February 9th
WRI’s Application for a CUP for Wildlife Rehabilitation Center was submitted in January to the Virginia Beach Planning Department
The Planning Department asks WRI to wait to formally pursue its CUP application until the ITA study/plan is finished, resulting in a one-year delay
WRI hosts the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council Conference (IWRC) in Virginia Beach
WRI collaborates with the AIA of Hampton Roads and other area design professionals to host “Designing with Wildlife” seminar at the Advance Technology Center
WRI assists the City of Virginia Beach in securing a safe habitat for over 60 domestic geese from Mt. Trashmore park and catches the last of the geese to reunite it with its flock
WRI secures Aatlantia Design Group, Inc. as Architectural Design consultant for the rehabilitation center project
The entire group of WRI wildlife rehabilitators living in Virginia Beach unanimously receive their CUPs for home-based rehabilitation services, making these rehabilitators and WRI fully compliant with local, state, and federal laws
The Virginia Beach Parks and Recreation Department invites WRI to partner in its Waterfowl Management Program
WRI hosts Oil Spill Training taught by Tri State Bird Rescue & Research
WRI begins work with the Planning Department to create zoning ordinances for legalizing wildlife rehabilitation in the City of Virginia Beach after WRI president/wildlife rehabilitator Lisa Barlow receives first CUP for wildlife rehabilitation
WRI rehabilitator & veterinarian refines treatment protocol for frostbite in pelicans – recovery and release rate increases 30%
WRI works with the Virginia Department of Health in West Nile Virus Bird Handler study
2000 Non-releasable hawks sent to the University of Minnesota’s Raptor Center for West Nile Virus vaccine study
Evelyn Flengas leaves WRI to pursue provision of independent wildlife rehabilitation services
WRI launches locally based frostbite treatment protocol for Brown Pelicans
Virginia Tavenner, Barbara Gibson, and Linda Jaffee leave WRI to start the VBSPCA Wildlife Program after developing philosophical differences with WRI leadership
WRI hosts International Wildlife Rehabilitation Conference (IWRC) in Virginia Beach
1994WRI rehabilitators send Brown Pelicans with frostbite to Florida and develops treatment protocol
1993 WRI holds first Annual Seminar and hosts Tri State Bird Rescue Oil Spill Training and IWRC Basic Rehabilitation Class
WRI Hotline begins operation
WRI forms and becomes Hampton Roads first Wildlife Rehabilitation Organization • Sharon Adams leaves WRI organizing committee after developing philosophical differences with other WRI organizers